10 Reasons to consult a dietitian

4 min readJan 29, 2021


What does a dietitian do for you?

Reasons to consult a dietitian as registered dietitians work with patients to understand their particular needs and challenges, and design meal plans accordingly. They also work with patients who are struggling to lose weight. Dietitians also conduct nutrition education in classrooms and office settings, perform cooking demonstration classes and give out recipes and food ideas. Dietitian’s works in food service operations, inpatient and outpatient health care facilities and weight-management facilities.

People have a belief that dietitians are food police but it is not like that, they are so much more than that. Dietitians are meant to help you with your food, diet, lifestyle, etc. Dietitians go through similar undergraduate training as doctors and then on top of that are required to take many nutrition classes as well as anatomy & physiology and so much more.

In this article, we would like to educate you on why you might need or when to refer patients to a dietitian. After all, a lot of people feel like they have to wait for everything to be terrible to see a dietitian and that’s not at all the case.

10 Reasons to Consult a Dietitian

Trying a new diet or have any questions regarding that particular diet or you find any symptom or feel that there is something that is affecting your health you can certainly see a dietitian. Here are 11 reasons to Why Consult a dietitian

  1. You’re healthy & curious.

Discussing about your diet with the dietitians is important and also if you are curious about your health or goals and want to know what you are eating is good for your health it is good if you can consult a dietitians.

2. Your need help with proper food.

A dietitian can help you with all the food and nutrition that is require to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as their job is to figure out how to navigate the world of food to you.

3. You are facing any digestive complaint.

Taking a proper diet is must and is useful for your health. But there are some human problems like gas, heartburn, constipation, stomachaches which can create a problem if you are not following a proper diet. These are called digestive complaints. You can consult a dietitian regarding these issues as they are the one you can guide you properly.

4. You want to improve your sports activity or performance.

If you are a sport person and who loves playing sports needs to follow proper diet as playing a sports needs energy and strength. Consulting a dietitians for a proper sport activity or performance can help you with proper energy needs, supplements and more as they specialize in that particular field.

5. Lack of appetite

Hunger is a very important part of your health. If you feel hungry all the time or you are not feeling hungry then it’s time to consult a dietitian because hunger is a very important part of your health. A lack of appetite can result into something serious which can lead to low energy.

6. You are experiencing fatigue

When you feel tired, lazy or you are not able to function properly is not a good sign as it is not normal. If you are experiencing fatigue it is necessary to consult a dietitians as soon as possible coz being tired when you go to bad is normal, but being tired the hold day is not.

7. You are often sick.

You need to seek a help from a registered dietitian as facing this issue is not at all normal. This may be because of improper diet or some other factor.

8. You are facing hormonal issues.

If you are facing hormonal issues like lack of sex, menstruation issues, infertility issues or any other issues its time to talk to someone who can help you with your hormonal issues.

9. You are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant.

Being a mother or ready to become a mother is a very special feeling. If you are pregnant or if you are thinking about becoming pregnant are facing issues related to your health like breastfeeding, post-partum it is the time you better consult a professional for a proper pregnancy diet.

10. You want help with meal planning.

You are now focused on having a proper diet for your health, but don’t know how to create a proper diet plan. Having a talk with a proper dietitians can help you with proper meal plans which inturn can help you learn how to do it yourself




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